How to build a radio station 

  1. Download and Install Radio DJ: To build a radio station, start by downloading Radio DJ from the official Radio DJ website here or from SoftRadar here. Radio DJ is a free radio automation software designed to help you broadcast your content. This process requires a dedicated PC or laptop. Here is further information on how to use RadioDJ.

2. Install and Set Up MariaDB: Next, install MariaDB, a database server needed for Radio DJ to store data about tracks, playlists, and more. Remember to keep the password used for MariaDB the same as the one used for the Radio DJ database setup. This ensures proper interaction between Radio DJ and the MariaDB database. You can download MariaDB community version here. Depending on the PC/Laptop you are using, older versions of RadioDJ and MariaDB may be required. Combinations of MariaDB and RadioDJ known to work:

Windows 7. RadioDJ Version – Maria DB 10.2 (X64)

Windows 10. Radio DJ Version 2.0.06 – Maria DB 10.5 (x64)

What combination of versions works will depend on your individual system.

3.Download and Install BUTT: Download BUTT, a streaming tool needed to connect your Radio DJ setup to the internet for broadcasting. You can download it from the official website of the developer, Daniel Nöthen, at Once installed, configure BUTT using your stream login details provided when purchasing a radio stream here. Follow this Step-by-Step Guide on retrieving your stream details from AzuraCast and configuring them in BUTT.


4. Setting Up a Studio?: While the previous instructions suffice for building and running a radio station around the clock, broadcasting live content demands additional equipment.

Firstly, microphones are essential. Opt for a dynamic microphone for direct USB connectivity, or a condenser microphone if you’re utilising a physical mixer. Ensure your mixer is USB-compatible to streamline operations. For condenser microphones, XLR leads are necessary. Additionally, invest in at least one pair of headphones for monitoring purposes.

For those considering a digital mixer, ensure your computer boasts sufficient processing power to handle sound seamlessly. Voicemeeter Banana is a viable option worth exploring in this regard.

5. Sourcing Content for Broadcasts

When building and operating a radio station, in addition to creating live and recorded shows, you have several options for sourcing content:

Licenced Commercial Music: For playing commercial music, you’ll need to obtain the appropriate licences from relevant agencies in your country or region. These agencies manage performance rights and ensure that artists and songwriters are compensated for the use of their work.

Purchasing Music: Platforms like 7Digital allow you to legally purchase and download a wide range of music tracks.

Creative Commons Content: An excellent alternative to commercial music is using content available under Creative Commons licences. One significant advantage of Creative Commons content is that it generally does not require the same licencing as commercial music. However, it’s crucial to adhere to the specific terms of the Creative Commons licence under which each piece is released. These terms can include requirements like providing attribution to the creator or limitations on commercial use, depending on the type of Creative Commons licence. Here are some valuable resources for finding Creative Commons content:

      • CC Search Portal: A search tool for creative works in the public domain and under Creative Commons licences. CC Search Portal
      • Free Music Archive: An interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads, largely available under Creative Commons. Free Music Archive
      • Freesound: Offers a collaborative database of Creative Commons Licenced sound effects. Freesound
      • Jamendo: Provides a community of independent artists with free music under Creative Commons licences. Jamendo
      • Incompetech: A platform with a variety of Creative Commons music tracks. Incompetech
      • SoundCloud: A music-sharing community with a range of CC-licenced tracks. SoundCloud
      • ccMixter: An online remix community offering a wide range of CC-licenced music. ccMixter
      • Internet Archive: A vast library including CC-licenced content. Internet Archive.

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